Local AATF Chapters
The AATF is divided into nine regions with approximately 70 local chapters. Find your Regional Representative HERE.
Most chapters include the whole state, although some larger states have several chapters (New York, Texas, California, Pennsylvania, etc.).
Chapters have their own constitutions and officers and may levy additional chapter dues in addition to national dues. Chapter membership is optional, but we encourage members to take advantage of the resources and networking that is available locally.
Alabama Chapter
Assistant Clinical Professor of Foreign Language Education Auburn UniversityVice President
Chevalier, Ordre des Palmes académiques Associate Professor of French Samford UniversityNFC Admin
Arizona Chapter
The AATF Arizona Chapter represents over 200 French teachers, professors, and lecturers, both currently working and retired. Our mission, as with all chapters, is to promote the teaching and learning of the French language and to disseminate knowledge of the cultures and civilizations of France and the French-speaking world. Professional Development and Opportunities We also strive to build and maintain French programs across the state through professional development opportunities. Every year, we hold a Spring Workshop. Past workshops have included: Teaching for Proficiency by Prof. Mariana Bahtchevanova (Arizona State University) Gamification for the Language Classroom by Prof. Sebastian Dubreuil (Carnegie Mellon University) 2020 AATF AZ - Atelier Le roman algérien contemporain : le lire et l'écrire with Prof. Lynda-Nawel Tebbani, Writer and Scolar and Prof. Afif Mouats This year we are beginning a push towards recognizing the future professional opportunities within our state to show Arizona students, both university and secondary, that French is indeed a workplace language here in our state.
California -- Northern Chapter
Our chapter strives to build a community among French teachers across Northern California through collaborative workshops for teachers and enrichment events for students. We culminate each year with our annual Journée de Printemps, inviting a Francophone guest speaker to present culture and pedagogy to our members. In addition, we organize annual events for our students such as une dictée, a poetry recitation contest, and cultural presentations offered by local experts.
California -- San Diego Chapter
The purpose of the San Diego Chapter is to promote the French language as well as the French and Francophone cultures in our region.
California -- Southern Chapter
The Southern California Chapter is a very dynamic chapter involved in multiple activities to help teachers promote the love of the French language with students. We offer several contests to both teachers and students such as videos to promote the importance of French, writing contest for movie goers, poetry participation, and theatre. We also work very closely with the cultural services of the French Consulate and offer pedagogical workshops.
World Languages Upper School Teacher Sierra Canyon SchoolPresident
French Teacher/World Language Department Chair Mark Keppel High SchoolTreasurer
Assistant Professor (Teaching) of French University of Southern CaliforniaSecretary
Colorado/Wyoming Chapter
The Colorado/Wyoming Chapter seeks to promote the French language and Francophone cultures in addition to supporting French teachers by offering professional development opportunities and social events for teachers as well as contests and events for students. Come grow with us!
Connecticut Chapter
Be part of "une vraie communauté" in Connecticut! The chapter is incredibly active and organizes many exciting events for teachers and students in different regions of the state. Through cocktail parties, sold-out musical concerts, professional development workshops, and more, the Connecticut Chapter has created a real, connected community of teachers and friends.
Delaware Chapter
The Delaware Chapter is dedicated to developing, throughout the state of Delaware, an awareness of and an appreciation for the French language and Francophone cultures.
Florida Chapter
The Florida Chapter has as its mission to provide French teachers in Florida an opportunity to connect to others who share the love of the French language and culture.
Georgia Chapter
Hawaii Chapter
Illinois -- Chicago / Northern Chapter
The Chicago/Northern Illinois Chapter sponsors each year three programs for teacher professional development that are of interest to French teachers at all levels. In addition, the chapter offers several programs for students, including the High School Immersion Day, the College Immersion Day, the Concours Oral, and National French Week activities. The chapter publishes a newsletter three times a year, known as Francofeuilles, and the president sends regular email communications to members regarding French events in the Chicagoland area.
World Language Department Chair, IB French Teacher DePaul College PrepVice President
Illinois -- Downstate Chapter
We plan to become more active this next year through social media and participation in AATF contests. We also hope to offer some virtual meetings since we are not in close physical proximity. In the meantime, our website provides Internet resources, information about job openings, as well as periodic blog posts with tested ideas in the classroom. We rely on one another to share information, to create local networks, and encourage face-to-face meetings whenever possible at conferences or workshops. We are open to suggestions on how to better serve our members.
Department Chair, Teacher of French (levels 1,2,3,4) University Laboratory High SchoolPresident
Indiana -- Northwest Chapter
The Northwest Indiana Chapter is a welcoming group for French teachers and other Francophones in the region. We hold monthly immersion meals to share French culture through food and conversation.
Indiana Chapter
The chapter is looking forward to continuing to support networking among French teachers in Indiana. We aim to be there to support, assist, and give opportunities to all our teachers to work together, exchange practices, and explore new ideas.
Iowa Chapter
The chapter meets twice a year, in October as part of the Iowa World Language Association Conference and in April/May for French conversation in addition to a business meeting.
Kansas Chapter
The Kansas Chapter is proud to host an annual immersion day for teachers of French. This is an opportunity to share new ideas, meet other French teachers, and brush up our language skills.
Kentucky Chapter
Louisiana Chapter
Maine Chapter
We are a small but growing chapter with dedicated and enthusiastic members. We were honored to receive second place in "Outstanding Small Chapter" at the 2018 convention in Martinique! We remain active throughout the school year; we organize a conference at the University of Maine at Augusta every fall and are represented every March at our annual state language association conference (FLAME) where we offer many workshops with Francophone content and encourage French teachers participate in our diverse activities. We send a monthly newsletter to keep our members abreast of professional development, scholarship and contest information, Francophone cultural events in the New England region, and to encourage our teachers to take advantage of all the resources and opportunities that the AATF offers. We also offer two local scholarships. We are proud to be a continuing sponsor of the fall immersion weekend. Highly skilled and experienced volunteer French teachers lead group activities and give participants a choice of workshops targeting different intermediate and advanced levels.
Maryland Chapter
The Maryland Chapter is a leader in membership growth and National French Contest participation!
Massachusetts -- Eastern Chapter
The Eastern Massachusetts Chapter has received an "AATF Outstanding Chapter Award." We seek to serve our members with useful and fun activities for both teachers and their students including our annual Journée de la francophonie, a Francophone reading group, workshops, and concerts with Francophone singers. We work closely with the French Cultural Services in Boston and with the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association.
CAGS, Educational Leadership, :, MS, Teaching French, BA, French Education World Languages Program Coordinator/French Teacher Triton Regional High School (MA)Treasurer
Massachusetts -- Western / Vermont Chapter
The purpose of the chapter is to serve the interests and needs of teachers of French and the teaching of French at all levels of instruction, in both public and private schools, to stimulate professional growth, and to foster interest in the French language and French-speaking literatures and cultures.
Michigan -- Detroit Chapter
The chapter provides professional and social opportunities for our members. Some events include…Dainava (full immersion French camp), Chantons Noël (a celebration of the holidays), and the Dîner annuel (a celebration of the end of the school year).
B.A French Language and Culture, MA Library School Media World Language Teacher RetiredVice President
Michigan Chapter
Minnesota Chapter
The Minnesota chapter promotes French programs for teachers and students in the state and has ties with other Francophone organizations in the area. The chapter sponsors a thriving Cercle de Lecture that meets in person and virtually. The Minnesota chapter recognizes annually the state's French Teacher of the Year. The chapter is currently creating a social event for French teachers as part of the upcoming Central States regional convention in Minneapolis.
Mississippi Chapter
Missouri -- Greater Kansas City Chapter
Attendees of the Martinique convention provided a session on their experiences in Martinique! We celebrated Noël with a dinner and gift exchange at a bistro in Kansas City. It was a wonderful event with several area teachers gathering and sharing some French-themed gifts! Many members also attended several events hosted by Rockhurst University (guest speakers, presentations by college students, etc.).
Missouri -- Greater St. Louis Chapter
Nebraska Chapter
New Hampshire Chapter
New Jersey Chapter
The chapter regularly sponsor guest speakers and events, including culinary demonstrations, social gatherings, lectures, and workshops.
New Mexico Chapter
Welcome to the Land of Enchantment and our New Mexico Chapter! We may be a small chapter in a very large state, but we work closely across the miles to support one another. We work as a bridge in a state with a wealth of cultural and linguistic diversity to promote our love of all things French for our students.
New York -- Central Chapter
The aim of the Central New York Chapter shall be to represent the French language in central New York and to encourage the dissemination, both in schools and in the general public, of knowledge concerning all aspects of the French-speaking world. The Chapter shall, by all means at its disposal, support projects to advance the French language, culture and literature. It encourages reciprocal communication between all levels of the teaching of French in central New York.
New York -- Metropolitan Chapter
The NY Metropolitan Chapter sponsors two annual conferences in collaboration with the Maison Française at Columbia University and the Maison Française at New York University on topics of interest to French teachers at all levels. These are free of charge to AATF members. In addition we have social events including Tables Françaises at restaurants representing the cuisines of la Francophonie and a wonderful evening of Wine, Cheese, Chocolate, and Jazz each spring.
New York -- Nassau Chapter
The Nassau Chapter is excited to celebrate another successful year of French in Nassau County schools. Our second Table Ronde took place this fall, and we were happy to offer students the chance to join us for a concert in November. Our Slam de Poésie will take place next fall, and we will celebrate the end of the school year at the Remise des Prix du Grand Concours ceremony at the end of May. As Camus asserted: "Notre patrie, c'est la langue française!"
New York -- Pays du Nord Chapter
Due to our chapter's proximity to Québec, our members work very hard to provide activities for students that create awareness of the importance of studying French in our area. We also take pride in our past events that have involved collaboration between the community and students of all ages, including those at the post-secondary level, such as creating signage for Titus Mountain and the Celebration of Francophone Culture.
New York -- Suffolk Chapter
The Suffolk Chapter takes great pride in having a large turnout for the Grand Concours and a lively Distribution des Prix in the spring. It’s a lovely chance to have students, teachers, and parents together to celebrate their victories and how wonderful French is. We also hold an annual poetry contest, consisting of written original poetry, poem recitations, and beautifully drawn caligrammes. We also love hosting gatherings for our members to chat, get to know each other, and, most importantly, indulge in yummy French cuisine.
World Language Teacher of French and Italian Huntington High School (NY)President
World Language Educator SchoolNova at Stony BrookVice President
New York -- Westchester Chapter
The goal of the Westchester Chapter is to share up-to-date information about meetings, events, and conferences that are available to our members. It’s also a common space where members can share related links and resources or ask each other for advice/feedback/insight for the purpose of cultivating a professional development community specially geared towards teachers of French.
New York -- Western chapter
We organize many events each year, for example, a Soirée Francophone panel presentation and a spring chapter meeting with a French Poetry and Music Celebration by students, teachers, and Francophones all welcome. In the summer, we hold our French Teacher Immersion Week at Whispering Pines Camp in Franklinville, NY! We also organize annual National French Week events and activities in the Buffalo-Niagara region throughout the month of November! Stay tuned for our annual Grand Gala reception and Franco-festibal du Beau Fleuve along with other fun filled French heritage events!
North Carolina Chapter
Bienvenue à NC-AATF! We are an active chapter with a strong presence at the state language conference (FLANC) in the fall and a joint spring conference dedicated to French teachers held in tandem with NC-AATSP. We offer small grants for members, Teacher of the Year recognition, an annual Concours Pédagogique, and a scholarship for French majors. All information is available on our website. Venez nous joindre !
Ohio Chapter
Oklahoma Chapter
The Oklahoma Chapter meets at the fall and spring OFLTA Conferences. We have several social get togethers as well, including a wine, cheese, and conversation soirée.
Pennsylvania -- Central Chapter
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter's annual French Cultural Event provides a venue for high school and university teachers and students to meet and share ideas about teaching and learning French. Film viewings, French language practice, and cultural discussions make this occasion both educational and a lot of fun.
Pennsylvania -- Lehigh Valley Chapter
Pennsylvania -- Northeastern Chapter
The Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter currently participates in a Foreign Language Teachers Conference held at Kings College each March. The college also hosts our annual meeting and award ceremony for the Grand Concours local and national prize winners in May. We are currently looking for additional opportunities to meet and support our members.
Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia Chapter
The AATF loves Philadelphia, and our chapter is thrilled to welcome all members. Le Réverbère, our newsletter, provides pertinent cultural information, including lessons and activities, how to benefit from our special discount program with local French-related businesses, and announcements of regional upcoming events, to help our members in their teaching and lives. We offer meaningful programs about the Francophone world and the most current pedagogical practices through our workshops and social events. Members are able to take part in a myriad of activities, such as workshops, performances, and events, as well. Over the course of the year, AATF Philly puts on affairs like our Soirée Cinéma at the start of the New Year, National French Week, and Le Grand Concours (The National French Contest).
Pennsylvania -- Susquehanna Chapter
The Susquehanna Valley Chapter is a small chapter working toward growth of its membership, support of its members, and promotion of the French language. We encourage members to participate in the annual Grand Concours and invite regional winners to our awards ceremony. We offer informal professional development opportunities and social events to promote best practices and fraternity within the chapter.
Pennsylvania -- Western Pennsylvania Chapter
Rhode Island Chapter
The Rhode Island Chapter serves the interests and needs of teachers and students of French in Rhode Island at all levels of instruction, in both public and private schools, stimulates professional growth, and fosters the interest in the French language and French-speaking literatures and cultures in the public.
South Carolina Chapter
French Immersion Teacher/ World Language Department Chair Sullivan IB Middle SchoolVice President
Tennessee Chapter
Texas -- Central TX Chapter
The Central Texas Chapter is in the AATF South Central Region. Our mission is to advance the study of the French language and French-speaking literatures and cultures both in schools and in the general public. We meet once per semester for continuing professional development and to strengthen collegial ties between our different educational institutions, from secondary school through post-graduate level. Membership is open to anyone interested in the teaching of French who is over the age of 18.
UTeach-Liberal Arts Clinical Assistant Professor University of Texas at AustinPresident
Chair of Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Saint Edward's UniversityTreasurer
Texas -- El Paso Chapter
Texas -- Houston Chapter
The AATF Houston Chapter is part of the AATF National association devoted exclusively to the needs of French teachers at all levels. Its mission is to advance the study of the French language, to promote and defend French programs, to create and disseminate useful materials for the classroom, as well as provide opportunities to recognize professional excellence and student achievement. Our Chapter meets twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. We also organize social events for teachers such as museum visits and other gatherings.
Texas -- North TX Chapter
The North Texas Chapter is committed to serve teachers from at least 20 counties surrounding the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The chapter organizes events promoting the study of French by giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity, proficiency, and passion with peers across the region. We invite all French teachers to join the network in the North Texas region.
Texas -- South TX Chapter
Utah Chapter
The Utah Chapter seeks to support Utah French teachers in improving their instruction of the French language. We meet regularly to offer support for teaching ideas, language proficiency, and course recruitment. Our main goal is to create a community of French language educators.
Virginia -- Northern/Washington DC Chapter
With its proximity to Washington DC and a wealth of opportunities, the chapter provides French and Francophone immersion experiences for members who live or work in the greater Northern Virginia / DC area, especially in Washington DC, Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Loudoun, and Fairfax counties. Others who live or work nearby are welcome as well. Social, cultural, artistic, and pedagogical activities are offered throughout the year, as well as a culminating awards ceremony for National French Contest award winners each spring. Our chapter seeks to grow and become more dynamic every year, in order to support our teachers and students.
Virginia Chapter
The Virginia Chapter seeks to support and help French teachers achieve their goals through a variety of grants throughout the year. We also encourage participation in the National French Contest.
Coordinator of ESL and World Languages Portsmouth Public SchoolsPresident
Bonjour Friends LLC Owner French 1-IB; Global Classroom Teacher; Exchange and Tour Coordinator John R. Lewis High School (VA)Treasurer
Washington/Alaska Chapter
The oldest active chapter in the Pacific Northwest, the Washington/Alaska Chapter promotes cultural and artistic events with a French focus as well as pedagogical workshops for teachers across Washington state and Alaska. Our bi-annual newsletter, "La Revue francophone du Pacifique Nord-Ouest," features interviews about innovative French programs in Washington and Alaska, cultural events, teaching techniques, as well as local news from our states and from France and the Francophone world. Washington's MOU with the Académie de Nantes through the Passepartout Program makes possible exchanges between high schools in Washington state and the Nantes region. It also promotes global connections for teachers at all levels (elementary, secondary, and university) with job shadowing opportunities and travel in each country.
Wisconsin Chapter
The Wisconsin Chapter of the AATF offers its members a variety of National French Week activities, a yearly French pronunciation contest (Le Concours Oral) and the National French Contest (Le Grand Concours). Members are always welcome at our yearly networking meeting in November during WAFLT. The chapter actively collaborates with members to promote, advocate, and retain French programs in the state of Wisconsin.