Member Benefits

Awards & Financial Support for French Education, Educators, & Students

The AATF offers an extensive array of financial awards and grants aimed at aiding both students and teachers alike the chance to pursue personal and professional opportunities to engage with the French language, culture, and pedagogy. Click here for more information about opportunities available to both members and their students

The AATF also offers a myriad of opportunities for financial support to pursue educational and pedagogical growth opportunities for for teacher members and their students. Click here for more info.

The National French Contest/Le Grand Concours is an annual competition sponsored by the AATF for students  of French grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad. Participation in the National French Contest/ Le Grand Concours is a great opportunity to practice for fluency exams, see how students compare to benchmarks, compete against students with similar educational background, allow students to take an assessment very similar to the AP or IB exam, and get students excited about French language learning by allowing them to compete for prizes.  

Grades 1-6 participate in the FLES Contest.  Grades 7-12 in the Secondary Contest.

Click here for more information on the annual National French Contest / le Grand Concours, including dates and registration.

In addition to the National French Contest / le Grand Concours, the AATF has various other contests throughout the year to help engage students and provide other learning opportunities. Click here to learn more.

Teaching & Professional Development Resources

Looking for a new job? Thinking about a change in teaching level? Our Commission on Teacher Recruitment & Retention has developed a Career Center for members looking for positions or looking to fill positions at their schools.  Click here to see more.

Additional resources for French teaching as a careers and job hunting guidance can be found on the commission's page here.

In addition to the local, national, & international networking opportunities with other French teachers. all AATF members are eligible to attend our annual convention to take place this year in Chicato, IL in July 2025

There are approximately 1600 active chapters of the SHF in high schools across the nation. Recognize your outstanding French students by forming a chapter at your school. Inductees can wear red/white/blue honor cords at graduation. Many other items are available. Click here for information on forming a chapter, inducting students, conducting an initiation ceremony, and ordering materials. SHF contest information can be found here.

You don't need to wait until high school to get students involved with French language and culture! The JAF offers opportunities like contests and activities to get young learners started on a passion for French. Click here to find out about this honor society for Middle and Elementary Schools. JAF contest information can be found here

Since March 2020, the AATF has offered regular professional development webinars to support teachers faced with virtual or hybrid classes.   These webinars are offered free of charge to AATF members.  Most of them are recorded and the videos shared.   Click here for more information, the current schedule, and archives.

Through the AATF Technology Commission, we also offer online, curated resources so that members can save time searching for ideas and spend more time on planning.

The AATF has also recently launched our shared resources page, in which members themselves contribute resources, activities, and articles they’ve created or found to share with fellow members. These can be accessed by members free of charge here.

French Review Online

As of the March 2021 issue, the French Review is now available online through Johns Hopkins University Project Muse.   To access the French Review, please log into the site using your login, and navigate to the store where the French Review can be found. Online access works best when using Chrome.  


The AATF currently has 13 Commissions whose work focuses on various areas of interest to French teachers. Our Commissions have produced or are currently working on publications, manuals, websites, workshops, and other opportunities to benefit AATF members. Click here for more information.  Please contact the chair of any Commission which interests you.


The AATF regularly publishes volumes relative to the teaching of French and Francophone cultures for the benefit of members. The AATF Commission on Advocacy has published a collection of articles with current information on the status of French in North American, around the world, and in our schools.  The volume is entitled Strategic Advocacy for the French Language in the U.S. and edited by Commission Chair Kathleen Stein Smith and Robert “Tennessee Bob” Peckham.  In addition, there are articles offering advice, strategies, and resources to promote and defend French programs, which can be found in the store.

If you have any questions after consulting this information and the provided pages, feel free to email AATF Headquarters or the SHF/Honor Society Secretary.

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