AATF Commissions

Commission on Advocacy

Chair: Kathy Stein-Smith, Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ), email Kathy [2026]

The AATF Commission on Advocacy works to advocate for the French language and Francophone cultures in collaboration with local chapters both to promote awareness of the benefits and value of French language study and to advocate for French language programs at risk. The Commission rapid-response team is prepared to respond to threats to French programs.

Commission efforts have continued to concentrate on the use of online and social media to increase interest in French language and Francophone cultures and on advancement of the research agenda through publications.

In addition, with the goal of developing partnerships with language enterprise stakeholders, commission members attend and present at conferences in foreign language education-related organizations and proactively seek out opportunities to serve in foreign language-related organizations and programs.

Office AATF Advocacy Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AATFAdvocacy

Click here to consult the AATF Advocacy Resource Bank.

Commission on Cinema

Co-Chairs: Joyce Beckwith, Wilmington High School (MA, ret), email Joyce, and Dolliann Hurtig, Lousiana Tech University, email Dolliann [2025]

Cinema is a dynamic media, and film study and the teaching of film embraces the Francophone world. To this end, the latest project has been Allons au Cinema: Promoting French Through Films (AATF, 2014) which includes 15 Francophone films for use in the classroom. Volume II appeared in 2016, and Volume III  in 2019.   To order any of the volumes, please visit the store here.

Commission on Cultural Competence

Co-Chairs: Martha Behlow, Geneva Community High School (IL), email Martha [2026] and Andi Isabelli, Woodstock North High School (IL), email Andi (2026)

The Culture Commission is interested in serving the needs of all French teachers aiming to incorporate culture into their French lessons at any level. Culture is an integral part of learning another language, and a key element in helping students to develop 21st-century skills. We seek to find ways to engage students in cultural learning both inside and outside of the classroom. We believe in using authentic cultural resources to elicit deep thinking and language production.

The commission chair presents at national AATF conferences, share resources and activities, and gather teacher resources and activities to help all of our teachers develop students with appreciation for the multicultural Francophone world.

The Commission now has a Facebook page: AATFCulture Commission

Commission on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Chair: Jerry L. Parker, Southeastern Louisiana University (LA), email Jerry [2027]

This commission grew out of an AATF task force created in 2020 to respond to the incidents of racism that happened during this time period. Our task force created an AATF statement on diversity, equity and inclusion that appears on our website and all AATF documents.  We also created a website that houses lesson plans, unit plans, articles, and other resources for teachers who are interested in teaching for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our members have presented workshops and webinars on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion during the past three years that have been well received. Our task force became a commission in January 2022.

We welcome any new members who would like to participate in this important work.
See the links below for access to our website and Facebook page.

Website:  https://sites.google.com/view/aatf-diversity-task-force/home
Facebook:  AATF Task Force on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Commission on Dual Language Immersion

Co-Chairs: Blake Ramsey, Expertise France (UT), email Blake; Gregg Roberts, DLI Alliance (UT), email Gregg; Valérie Thériez, Louisiana Department of Education (LA), email Valérie [2026]

This commission grew out of an AATF Task Force that resulted in the publication of World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages – French by ACTFL in 2021. The commission’s overall objective is to propose products, materials, or services that help and encourage French teachers to incorporate standards-based teaching in the classroom. The Standards Commission’s objective for the upcoming three years (2023-2025) will be to highlight the practical application of the Performance Indicators and Learning Scenarios at all levels of French instruction.

Commission on FiES (Francophonie in Elementary Schools)

Chair: Karen Campbell Kuebler, Towson University (MD), email Karen [2026]

The Commission has produced a multitude of useful materials for teachers including the Calendrier perpétuel as well as methodological and promotional materials.  Commission members serve as contact persons in many regions and states of the country to provide assistance with programs. They serve as a national advisory council on FiES concerns, research, issues, and projects.

The Commission also organizes the FiES Poster Contest every spring. Click here for more information.

Commission on High Schools

Chair: Open

The High School Commission will be working on a new project, an Interculturality Notebook, that will include a variety of real-world topics and cultural lessons. We will begin by taking a look at some of the culture lessons that we are currently using in our classrooms and examine them through the lens of ACTFL’s Interculturality Benchmarks and Can Do Statements. If you would like to be a part of this commission or submit your lessons, please contact the chair.

Visit the Commission website here.

Commission on Middle Schools

Chair: Janel Lafond-Paquin, Rogers High School (RI, ret), email Janel [2024]

The Middle School Commission has published a resource manual for teachers of children’s literature that integrates well into a middle school curriculum. The manual includes bibliographical information on each selection, a list of topics, grammatical structures and cultural aspects (if any) found in the story, as well as many activities for teaching each selection. A second volume based on legends in order to incorporate more culture standards has just been published. If you are interested in being a participant in future projects, please contact the Chair. Your submissions are most welcome!

Commission for the Promotion of French

Chair: Justin Frieman Charles, Round Lake High School (IL), email Justin [2025]

The Commission for the Promotion of French was created in the fall of 1994 as a Task Force and chaired by AATF Past-President Marie-Christine Koop until fall 1997, when it became a commission. Its main objective was to help teachers recruit students by producing various documents such as flyers, guides, teaching ideas, and letters to convince students, parents, and administrators of the value of French. Many of the materials developed by the Task Force and the Commission are available through the AATF Materials Center and Online Store.

The Commission is currently working on promotional materials for social media. Based upon the success of that project, other materials will be rolled out in the future. The possibility of a new series of promotional posters is also being explored.

They are also continuing to create step-by-step guides for activities to promote French in your school and community. The existing guides, as well as other promotional materials, can be found on the commission’s site: click here to visit.

Commission on French for Specific Purposes

Chair: E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta University (GA), email E. Nicole [2024]

The Commission on French for Specific Purposes (FSP) proposes products, materials, or services that promote the teaching of French for Specific Purposes at all levels. French for Specific Purposes encompasses Business French, French for Health and Medicine, French for Science and Technology, Diplomatic French, French for Tourism, French for Engineering, and so much more. The commission envisions expanding the definition and scope of what is French for Specific Purposes, sharing innovative ideas and teaching materials that can serve to supplement units or provide entire courses from K-16. The commission serves a changing profession, and helps us to promote French to many. We use Twitter and Facebook to share the latest related news or ideas that you can adapt to your classroom. (Click here to visit the AATF Twitter page.)

We look forward to members contributing to conference sessions or workshops at AATF and other national conferences. We are working toward a volume to share teaching units and or approaches for French for Specific Purposes, as well as new conceptions of FSP, all of which encompasses a wider audience from FLES, middle school, high school, and university) and which reaches beyond the hexagon. Please contact the chair if you are interested in participating in any related project or presentation!


Commission on Standards for Students

Chair: Polly Mangerson, DePaul University (IL), email Polly [2025]

This commission grew out of an AATF Task Force that resulted in the publication of World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages – French by ACTFL in 2021. The commission’s overall objective is to propose products, materials, or services that help and encourage French teachers to incorporate standards-based teaching in the classroom. The Standards Commission’s objective for the upcoming three years (2023-2025) will be to highlight the practical application of the Performance Indicators and Learning Scenarios at all levels of French instruction.

Commission on Teacher Recruitment & Retention

Co-Chairs: Eileen Walvoord, retired (IL),  email Eileen and Rebecca Monger, Elmhurst College (IL), email Rebecca [2024]

Visit the commission website to see how you can ensure the Future of French.

Becoming aware that K-12 French programs were being eliminated when schools could not find a qualified teacher and that fewer French students were choosing the path toward teaching, the AATF created a commission to address these issues. The Commission’s two main goals are to increase the number of students majoring and minoring in French at the post-secondary level and of those specifically pursuing K-12 French certification.

The Commission’s work includes identifying and promoting best practices to encourage the pursuit of careers in French education, facilitating teaching jobs in French being filled, and providing support to post-secondary and pre-service students, as well as teachers who are new-to-the profession.

The Commission uses its Facebook page to publicize job openings around the country and to remind our members that we have a wonderful career.

We live our passion for French in the classroom and beyond!

Commission on Technology

Chair:  Kylene Butler, North Allegheny High School (PA), email Kylene (2026)

The Commission on Technology provides information on the adoption and use of current and innovative Web and mobile device tools. It is a regular sponsor of on-site training, workshops, and social media chats through Twitter and Facebook. The Commission maintains a blog to inform members of new technologies and practical curricular applications. Members of the AATF are encouraged to share their favorite tools via the Commission’s social media channels.

The Technology Commission Blog has moved to IFProfs.

Click here to visit the AATF Facebook page.
Click here to visit the AATF Twitter page.
Click here to visit the AATF YouTube channel.
Click here to visit the AATF Pinterest page.
Click here for online resources for French teachers.

Commission on Colleges and Universities

Co-Chairs: Jessica Sturm, Purdue University (IN), email Jessica, and Marie Schein, Texas Christian University, email Marie [2025]

This newly revived commission will be undertaking projects of interest to university faculty as they seek to defend and expand French programs.   If you are interested in participating, please contact the chairs.