SHF at Your School
Requirements for Maintaining / Starting an Active SHF Chapter
You cannot obtain certificates, purchase graduation regalia or induct students without completing all three steps below:
The sponsoring teacher of the Honor Society Chapter needs to have their own individual membership with the AATF
- AATF membership is $55 (+ any optional local chapter dues) per calendar year (January 1st - December 31st) and must be renewed annually.
- AATF membership can be purchased one of two ways:
- For new members: Online Purchase of AATF Membership via our store using credit card, ACH, or invoice
- If SHF sponsorship has changed to a new AATF member, please notify the SHF secretary
- For previous members who have not renwed for this year: Either log into your existing account, or create a new account if you have not since 1/31/24 [instructions found here] then log in and go to your Member Compass.
- For new members: Online Purchase of AATF Membership via our store using credit card, ACH, or invoice

The SHF Charter is what makes your school's honor society chapter active and allows students to become official members and be eligible for contests & scholarships, as well as wear SHF regalia at graduation
- SHF Charters can be purchased or renewed here via our online store
SHF Charters remain active as long as at least one student has been inducted in the last 2 years
Inducting students into your SHF Chapter costs $4 per student and formally makes your student a member of the SHF.
- Inductions come with an editable digital certificate which can be customized and printed off for your ceremony.
- SHF Inductions can be purchased online with multiple payment options (invoice, card or ACH)
Click here to purchase inductions
- ******please note: users must be Active, Current AATF Members AND logged into the site in order to purchase
All 3 requirements met? Great! You're all set!
If you want to order additional graduation regalia, merchandise, or other items to celebrate your SHF chapter and student members, check out the AATF-Boutique page here.
Additional Information Regarding SHF Policy & Procedures
To meet the basic requirements to be eligible to join the SHF, the student must:
- Be enrolled in at least their fourth semester of French (e.g.: the second semester of French II or higher).
- Be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade (or a 9th grader who has met criteria 1 above in Jr High School or Middle School).
- Have earned at least an A minus (or the equivalent) in French for the previous three consecutive semesters.
The National SHF Constitution lays out in further detail who is eligible for membership with the French Honor Society, eligibility in specific circumstances (e.g.: transfer students, students who are home-schooled, etc.), and other SHF policies.
The complete text of the SHF National Constitution may be found here.
Current and former SHF sponsors have shared ideas on additional requirement for SHF Induction and continued membership that may be included in a local SHF Constitution, if desired.
- Additional SHF Induction Requirements suggestions
- Community and Service Commitments suggestions
- Academic Commitments suggestions
- Language Requirements suggestions
Several sponsors have generously shared some of the documents they use for the initiation ceremonies, local constitutions, and SHF activities. Feel free to use them or be inspired by them, giving credit if appropriate.
The Annual Report is a chance to let us know what your chapter has accomplished this school year
Recognition program available to all SHF sponsors starting in 2023
Bronze level – JAF/SHF sponsors –- AATF member for 3 consecutive years
- Induct students at least twice per 3 years
- Submit annual report each year (due July 31st of each year)
Additional questions? Check the SHF FAQ here
Page Created: May 9th, 2024
Last Updated: March 21st, 2024