

Atelier d'automne
Saturday, October 26th (9 am - 12 pm) at DePaul College Prep, Chicago

   American Association of Teachers of French

National French Week
The AATF is pleased to announce its organization of the twenty-second annual National French Week. This week-long celebration of all things French will occur in schools, communities, and AATF chapters across the U.S. from November 6-12, 2024. 
Our chapter celebrates NFW by promoting local and national activities for students and teachers. Each year a social event for teachers takes place at a French/francophone restaurant. 
2024 Theme: Le français -- langue globale.

Questions about National French Week?  Are you looking to share an NFW activity with us? Contact us!


Atelier d'hiver
Saturday, February 8th (9 am-12 pm) at Saint Ignatius College Prep, Chicago.

 National French Contest
The Grand Concours is an annual competition in which students of French in grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad, take a written test and compete against students with similar educational backgrounds for prizes.  
 FLES: February 12 - March 7, 2025
 Levels 01-5: February 13 - April 7, 2025

High School Immersion Day 
Saturday, March 1st, at the University of Chicago.
La Journée Intensive en Français is the Chicago area’s only annual French immersion day for high school students. Held on a Saturday in late winter, it is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French, Chicago/Northern Illinois Chapter, and supported by several Chicago-area Francophone organizations. Since 2021, it is hosted by the University of Chicago.


Atelier de printemps 

Spring Award Ceremony Luncheon
All our chapter members are invited to this event, which celebrates Prix d'excellence du Chapitre and Illinois Teacher of the Year awardees. This year, we will also recognize Tom Sapp, our current regional rep and past chapter president, who was named Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes  Académiques by the French government.


AATF National Convention
Several chapter members participate in the convention each year to present or attend the Future Leaders Training Workshop.
Depending on the convention's location, we help with logistics and offer our members to volunteer.
Chapter Member Initiatives
Contact us if you would like to offer a fun activity or participate in one of our programs.

 Georges Seurat, painter and French impressionist artist