Backup FAQ
I. Registration
First, you need to determine which test your student(s) will take.
Students take the test for the level at which they are currently receiving school credit (or equivalent). Generally speaking*:
- Students in 1st grade through 6th grade generally take the FLES Contest
Click here for FLES Contest Information
- Students in 7th grade through 12th grade generally take the Secondary Contest
* For students in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, click here for guidance on which test to takeOnce you've determined the correct level(s) of Contest to purchase for your students, as well as how many tests are needed, please proceed to our purchasing page below to begin your order.
Please note: You will need to log in if you have an existing AATF account, or register for an account in order to purchase, even if you are not an AATF member.
Since students have varying backgrounds and experience, we have designated the following Divisions:
- Division A is designed, en principe, for students who begin their study of French in American secondary schools without any significant prior French experience.
- Division B is for students with some prior or outside experience with French.
- Division C is designed for students whose French background is more extensive than students in Division B (i.e. native speakers).
- Division D is designed for students who have just started a new level of French at Contest time (and who won't complete it before the end of the school year.)
- Division E is for students not currently taking French.
For complete details see the 01-5 enrollment guidelines.
The following fees represent the National expenses, basic test development and computer hosting; administrative costs; publicity; and prizes. Chapters normally add a charge to these fees to support local Contest expenses.
Per individual test:
AATF members: $5.00* PLUS local fees, if applicable
Non-members: $10.00* PLUS local fees, if applicable
*Chapters may add additional fees to support local Contest expenses.
Which of my students should I enroll? Is there a limit to how many students may enter le Grand Concours?
The Executive Council of the AATF recommends that teachers enter all of their students. The purpose goes far beyond "winning" or receiving national recognition. It provides a solid class activity; it also provides a national "guide" to help teachers determine how their students perform, item by item, based upon major grammatical concepts, reading comprehension, aural comprehension, and cultural topics. Individual student scores are never published by the National Office.
II. Test taking logistics / Info
Students will need:
- access to a device connected to the internet: computer (PC or Mac).
- headphones or earbuds for the listening comprehension section.
Students are also allowed one sheet of scratch paper, to be provided by the teacher and collected by the teacher at the end of the Contest. A tablet or phone may not work for certain types of questions on the testing platform, Lingco.
No! The on-line Contest is divided into Part A (Listening Comprehension) and Part B (Language in Context and Reading Comprehension.) Students may take the entire Contest in one session, or they may take Part A one day and Part B the next.
However, students DO need to complete the entirety of any section of the test they have begun (i.e.: Part A and/or Part B) in one session. Students may not begin a part of the test at one time, stop, and then complete that same part at a later time.
We understand that some schools may use distance learning techniques. The online Contest is perfect for this. However, students MUST BE PROCTORED. If students are NOT proctored, they will be Hors Concours and ineligible for national awards. Please contact us for details on proctoring your students virtually. We will require teachers to complete an attestation form confirming the students were proctored
III. Test preparation
Specifications for the FLES Contest here and for the Secondary Contest here provide details about what content is covered in each level of the test. Reviewing these specifications and practicing with previous contests on the Lingco site will help both teachers and students prepare.The Contest is not based on any specific text book so your everyday classroom activities, in addition to reviewing the specifications should provide plenty of preparation.Additionally, student Contest registration includes ten years of past Contests - for all levels. These can be accessed in Lingco. For more information on using Lingco, or assistance accessing the site, check out our test administration guides here.Okay, I've purchased tests for my students. What should I do to ensure I am ready to administer the Contest on testing day?
Check out our best practices and guides for Contest administration here.
IV. Post-test / Scores / Awards
There are two categories of awards: Chapter and National. Chapters may offer prizes to those students who are among the top percentiles at the Chapter level for each level and division. National prizes are subsidized out of the fees paid by each entrant. National Prizes include:
- Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals with Lauréat National certificate
- Mention honorable certificates
- Mérite certificates
For statistics from the 2024 test, click here
If you need verification of previous Contest performance for college applications, please contact your French teacher or the National French Contest Director.
Join AATF! Help us work to encourage the study of French. Enter all of your students in Le Grand Concours. Since all prizes at the National level are partially subsidized out of participants' fees, the greater the number of participants, the greater the number and quality of prizes. Send suggestions for improving our efforts to the appropriate member of the Grand Concours National Committee. If in doubt, send comments to the National Director.
For any additional or more specific inquiries, as well as suggestions for improving our efforts, please reach out to the appropriate member of the Grand Concours National Committee who may be found on our contacts page here.
If in doubt, send comments to the National Director.
IV. Troubleshooting
Please do not have the student continue testing. The student should log out and Lingco support should be contacted asap by clicking the question mark on the lower right hand corner of your screen. If the timer has run out when the student next logs in, please contact for assistance.If there are technical problems such as a power failure, internet interruptions that affect an entire class or verifiable problems with the device the student is using, we may be able to re-set the student.
- If students leave the test screen (for example, if they click on the screen or type in the address bar to go to a different website), they may not be able to re-access that part Contest.
- If students attempt to go to a different tab or switch screens, their results may be submitted.
- If students take too long and run out of time, they will not be able to re-access this part of the Contest.
In these situations, for the interest of fairness to all students, we may not be able to re-set the student. Please contact for assistance.
All requests must be documented in writing. No phone calls will be accepted.