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Charter for Société Honoraire de Français (SHF) at Your School (New or Reactivation)

There is a one-time fee of $10 to charter a chapter of the Société Honoraire de Français at your school. An official Charter certificate will be mailed to you upon receipt of this application. 

If the SHF Charter held by the school has gone inactive, a one-time fee of $10 is required to reactivate the SHF Charter.

The SHF Constitution and By-Laws can be found on-line at HERE, along with ideas for a suggested initiation ceremony, FAQs, guidelines for chapters, and Travel Award and Writing Contest applications.

AATF membership is required for SHF sponsors.

All items are shipped first-class or Ground Advantage. If faster shipping is desired, please reach out to the AATF.

Member Price: $10