The AATF offers two teacher professional development scholarships for study abroad in a French-speaking country in the amount of $3000 each. These scholarships are open to AATF members only. Deadline: February 28
2023 applications for all teacher scholarships must be submitted electronically here.
Recommendations should be emailed as attachments (no Google Docs) here. Please include in the email subject which scholarship and the candidate’s name.
Thanks to the generosity of the late Walter Jensen, the AATF is able to offer one scholarship for study abroad to a future teacher of French. This $4719.00 scholarship was generously donated by the North Dakota Chapter of the AATF and is intended to help a student pay for a semester or year’s study abroad experience he/she/they might not otherwise be able to afford. The next award will be made for the academic year 2023-2024.
Student applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of application and enrolled in an established teacher education program (B.A., B.S., or M.A.T.) in French. Applications for independent study abroad trips, subsidized travel, or summer programs will not be considered. The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and a non-native speaker of French. He/She/They must be sponsored by an AATF member teacher.
The $4719.00 student scholarship will be paid directly to the study abroad program of the recipient’s choice to cover tuition, fees, travel, or housing costs for a semester-long or one-year study abroad program in a Francophone country. The recipient may attend an established program in any Francophone country that is accredited by his/her/their American university. Students may also attend established programs sponsored by universities other than their own providing credit is transferable. Cash payments will not be made directly to recipients. Application deadline for Jensen Scholarship : March 15
2024 applications for all student scholarships must be submitted electronically here.
Recommendations should be emailed as attachments (no Google Docs) to AATF National HQ. Please include in the email subject which scholarship and the candidate’s name.