Elementary School French Teacher (Columbus, OH)

Ohio, Full Time, Elementary School,

Location: Columbus, OH

School Name: École Kenwood French Immersion Elementary 

Status: Full Time

Level: Elementary School

Contact: Principal Patricia Price, pprice@columbus.k12.oh.us 

Leadership Intern Alexandra Miller, amiller5@columbus.k12.oh.us 

Description: École Kenwood French Immersion in Columbus, Ohio, is looking for Elementary French Immersion teachers (mainly for grades 2-3) for the 2024-2025 school year. Applicants must hold or qualify for an Elementary teaching license in Ohio and must be able to teach an elementary curriculum in French. If interested, please submit your application via the link below AND email ikoumba@columbus.k12.oh.us AND the school administrator, pprice@columbus.k12.oh.us and
