Société Honoraire de Français
the National French Honor Society for high school students
Certificates / Inducting Students
SHF Basics
The establishment of a chapter of the Société Honoraire de Français offers several benefits to a secondary French program. It provides an opportunity to recognize outstanding scholarship in the study of French, to place a special seal on the graduate’s diploma, to wear a tri-colored cord or a stole at graduation, and to wear the honor society’s official regalia.
Updates & Leadership
Please join us on “AATF Société Honoraire de Français” Facebook page! We cannot wait to hear from you and to share your ideas! The SHF now has an Instagram feed at @AATFSHF. Join us there, too!
Starting 2023, we DO NOT accept fax orders. All orders must be made online. Click HERE for information on paying with check or purchase order. Checks will be mailed in to our Colorado office.
SHF National Council
- SHF President: Regina Symonds (MA)
- Teacher Representative: Henriette Sindjui (MD)
- Teacher Representative: Kimberley Harter (NY)
- Editor of L’Élan, Fanny Clonch (IL)
- SHF Secretary, Robin Anderson (CO)
Additional questions? Check the SHF FAQ here
Motto of the SHF:
« Avoir une autre langue,
c’est posséder une deuxième âme »
Created: February 20th, 2023
Last updated: May 17th, 2024